Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year!

I think 2009 is going to be a great year. I sure had a great time in 2008, in spite of the challenging economic environment. Hopefully we will all see some relief in late 2009 and things will be back to "normal" (whatever that is) in 2010.

Here are some of the things I plan to accomlish in 2009:
1. I want to refinance the house when interest rates drop below 5% (and I predict they will).
2. I want to finish my MBA program by December.
3. I want to go to Italy in September with Steve.
4. I want to pay off all debt and start saving 20% of our combined income. (This may take more than a year, but not much).
5. I want to make all bread this year...No store-bought bread.

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